Build a Coracle in a
weekend and paddle
it before you leave!

Coracle Courses

coracle making weekend

Welcome to my Programme of Coracle Making Weekends

Utilising traditional materials with just a few basic hand tools, each two-day course will provide you with a completed and covered coracle frame which you may need to paint at home.

Coracle making courses are run throughout the summer at my purpose built workshop in south Oxfordshire.

2024 Course Dates Booking Deadline Places Available
12th & 13th June 21st May 0
20th & 21st July 28th June 1
24th & 25th July 2nd July 0



Please email me to be sent a booking form, or send your name/address/phone number and dates you would prefer using the Contact page.


Each course costs £450/475 per coracle, and includes:

  • Tuition
  • All materials
  • All tools and equipment provided.
  • Introductory membership to The Coracle Society

Traditional cover (calico) £450, modern cover (PVC) £475. Course places are offered per boat rather than per person so there is no additional charge for two or three people working together on the same coracle.

Weather permitting there will be an opportunity to test paddle your finished coracle after the course (PVC cover only) or have a go in one of my own coracles.

Please note that tuition takes place in an open fronted structure. The course will run whatever the weather and though sheltered from wind and rain you may need to dress warmly.

Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day, but you will need to bring your own packed lunch.
If you require further information then please contact me using the details below.

Alistair Phillips:
Telephone: 07776 002467 / 0118 972 3309 Or Email